Saturday, February 26, 2011

Book On youtube

My book is on youtube you can google Diane Hassan or go to

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Freedom Spreading through out the Arab World

it is amazing to see the fast changes taking place in the Middle East ,freedom is taking hold.The success in Iraq ,is being watched by all the Arab world,they want what Iraq has.What a wonderful time in my life,watching Arabs saying we had enough ,we need a voice in our government. George W. Bush should be very proud;he was determined to bring Freedom to Iraq; President George W. Bush cared about the Iraqi people. He wanted to give the Iraqis a chance for a better life,a voice in their government,by freeing Iraq ,George W. bush started the domino effect of freedom.God Bless President George W. Bush,God Bless our American troops,thank you,thank you ;thank you;Shookran

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unrest In Egypt

From the beginning in all my speeches for the last seven years,I told my audience,all the terrorist in Iraq are from Egypt,Syria,Yemen ,because these Arab countries do not want Iraq to succeed.They know if Democracy wins in Iraq,it will filter to their countries.Today we are witnessing the domino effect of freedom as a result of Iraq.Arabs all over the world want what Iraq has now,freedom,and the freedom to choose who governs them.Democracy will spread through out the arab world. Thank you to our Troops,for helping Iraq to become free,and giving courage to other Arab countries to seek the same freedom.Freedom is not free,it is worth the fight.Iraq is the beginning of civilization,Adam and Eve began in a small village in the south of Iraq called Gurney.We must protect our beginning ,because we don't want it to be our end.You are witnessing Freedom being born,and the desire of the Arab people to want freedom.God Bless America,God Bless and Protect our Freedom.Read Angels Among Us Even In Iraq,found at,learn about our beginning

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Speech At The Methodist Church

I spoke at the Methodist Church tonight. I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new friends.I am very passionate about Iraq and Freedom,I love teaching people the importance of a Free Iraq.I will be traveling for the next week.Traveling with my husband is always enjoyable.Please keep us in your prayers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Election In Iraq

For me it seems amazing to see the people of Iraq truly having a voice.In Saddam's day ,he had elections,it was amazing that no one ran against him and he received 100% of the vote.Iraq has come a long way.Freedom,the wonderful feeling of freedom.Never take freedom for granted,always remember freedom is not free,we must protect it,fight for it,and cherish it.Every morning that I awake in a free America ,I thank God for loving me so much ,He allowed me to be born in this wonderful country.Every time I say the pledge of Alliance to flag at the beginning of all my speeches at the various organizations that I speak to,I am the only one with tears in my eyes,because I know the significance of our Flag and how much I love my country and my Flag,I have tears of joy,tears of love and most of all tears Thanking God for my country.God Bless America,God Bless our troops who are fighting daily to protect that freedom for us.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Angels Among Us Even In Iraq

I am continuing public speaking;I will be on conversation live with Cyrus Web at 7 pm central standard time ,March 23;My book is doing well.I am looking forward to one day seeing a wonderful movie made based on my life.Miracles happen daily ;after all there are Angels Among Us

Friday, September 25, 2009

Time to return on my thoughts of Iraq

Glad to return home to my blog.I am enjoying the beautiful days that we are having.As I drive to work,and listen to oldies on the radio,I am so thankful to be home again. I no longer feel afraid. I love my time with out fear.Seventeen years in a foreign land,that i once called home,took a toll on me. I never forget every night when I am taking a nice long hot shower to say Thank you god for all this fast flowing water,thank you for the right to be able to bathe when ever I wanted. When was the last time, you ,my readers, Thanked our Heavenly Father for water.